The way data is stored varies depending on the type of technology used. They all have their pros and cons. However, most tend to fall into one of two main groups.
Acronym for “Direct Attached Storage”. This austria phone number list category includes all storage
in which there is a physical connection between the hardware where the data is stored and the
computer that reads it. This is the case of hard drives (HD), USB drives, SSDs, among others.
On the one hand, this type of technology is less flexible and efficient, especially when we talk about
large-scale information distribution. However, solid and direct storage can also be used to promote information security and prevent it from being lost in the event of a network failure.
Acronym for “Network Attached Storage.” In this case, the hardware on which the information is stored is different from the one on which it is accessed, allowing multiple computers to access the same data remotely.
This method promotes centralization of information, which can facilitate internal management. It makes storage more flexible and scalable , but it also increases data and software security requirements.
What types of devices are used for data storage?
To improve the different types of data qualified lead conversion rate storage, it is necessary to invest
in new technologies and better devices, both DAS and NAS. Security is one of the main factors here,
considering that the machine’s own memory will not always be sufficient to protect data against failures or virtual attacks .
Let’s look at some of the key features that are in use today.
This is a type of storage that allows for faster data processing and transfer between different machines. As a result, the computer’s performance in accessing and storing data becomes much higher.
This technology requires more initial investment than standard processors, but the positive effect it has on overall system performance pays for itself in a short time.
Hybrid flash arrays
Using multiple technologies at the same b2b reviews time is one way to reduce dependence on a single tool. This principle is applied here in hybrid arrays, where flash storage and hard disk storage are combined.
The idea behind this combination is to create a happy medium between the two types of data storage.
This way, you can deploy an effective solution in less time and at a more affordable price. Although a purely flash-array solution is more powerful, its initial cost is higher, which can be out of your budget .
Cloud storage
This is a solution that has gained a lot of attention nowadays, especially with the focus of companies
\increasingly turning to online digital spaces. Instead of storing data on the machine itself, everything
is located on a remote server in the cloud , which can be accessed by different computers at the same time.
The great advantages of cloud storage are greater flexibility and stability, as it is possible to make various changes to the company’s internal system and still ensure that the data is secure and easily accessible.
Backup mechanisms
In cases of system malfunction or loss of performance, it is ideal to have at least one or two backups of
all your data, from customer information to blog content . That way, they can be recovered, even partially.
To do this, you need to invest in backup software, which comes as a service, or in internal backup systems, which require a large initial investment, as well as a dedicated team to keep this system running.
What to expect from the future of data storage?
New types of data storage are likely to emerge in the coming years from new technologies. The IT
industry is increasingly focusing on data and communications efficiency, minimising any impediments to work.
However, most of these innovations are already being put into practice and it is worth monitoring their development and implementation.
Here are some examples of what you can expect in the future:
Software-defined storage
In large companies, increasing internal data storage can be a costly undertaking, as many hardware only support one type of software . Similarly, hardware from different vendors can also have issues when used together.
In this context, software-defined storage is a way to separate physical storage space from the software that will be used to access the data. As a result, you can store data where it is most needed without losing flexibility or making storage expansion difficult.
Virtual storage
In a more advanced case, it is possible to further abstract the storage method, so that the physical
location is no longer one or several servers , but an aggregate of different machines.
Imagine that every new machine connected to your network also becomes part of the storage system
. Data is recognized by a virtual storage system, which makes everything appear as a single storage
location. This removes system complexity for the standard user, making information management more practical on a daily basis.