The conversion rate of qualified leads into customers shows how many leads that went through the qualification process actually closed a deal.
Its calculation formula is:
- Conversion rate = (No. of qualified leads that became customers/Total no. of qualified leads) x 100
How to analyze this indicator:
- If the conversion rate is high , it means that CHAMP is helping to qualify leads that are truly ready to buy;
- If it is low , it may indicate that the qualification needs to be adjusted, as many leads are not ready to close a deal.
Average time to close deals
CHAMP should not only switzerland cell phone number list improve conversion, but also reduce the time it takes to turn a qualified lead into a customer.
Its calculation formula is:
- Average closing time = (Sum of closing time of all trades / Total number of closed trades)
How to analyze this indicator:
- If the closing time has decreased after implementing CHAMP, it means that leads are being qualified more accurately, accelerating the purchasing decision;
- If the closing time has increased , it may indicate that the method is qualifying leads that are not yet mature enough, requiring more time and follow-ups.
Return on investment (ROI) of closed sales
The quality of leads directly impacts the company’s revenue and profitability.
Measuring the return on investment (ROI) of closed sales allows you to assess whether CHAMP is bringing you more profitable opportunities.
Its calculation formula is:
- ROI = (Revenue generated by sales / Total cost of business operations) x 100
How to analyze this indicator:
- A high ROI indicates that CHAMP is helping to identify more qualified leads willing to invest in high-value solutions;
- If the ROI is low , it may be necessary to review the commercial approach, as leads may be negotiating lower average ticket contracts.
Sales team feedback on the qualification process
Feedback from the sales team is essential to identify areas for improvement in the application of CHAMP. After all, salespeople deal directly with leads!
Therefore, carry out internal research buy special data and hold periodic meetings with the sales team to understand whether the methodology is helping to optimize sales efforts.
How to analyze this indicator:
- Are CHAMP qualified leads genuinely interested in the solution?
- Is the qualification process helping or hindering the negotiation?
- Does the sales team feel phone number thailand they are talking to the right people (decision makers)?
- Are leads’ challenges being accurately identified?