Which is convenient for analyzing sales efficiency

Which is convenient A widget call “Sales Funnel” has appear, which shows a funnel with conversion by individual stages. Using the funnel, you can analyze how the indicator has chang compar to the previous period (week, month, quarter, year), and also see what percentage of buyers mov from the previous stage of the funnel.

A widget call “Stock History” has appear, which clearly shows what percentage of local orders your store receives in each region and what share the region has in the volume of orders.

If you want to expand your reporting capabilities and gain access to all seller analytics tools, you should pay for a Gem subscription. In this case, the Search Queries and Buyer Profile reports will become available. The first one will tell you what queries buyers use to find a product, and the second one will tell you who buys in your store age, gender, region, average check, interests, etc.

Site analytics

Which is convenient A section with analytical reports, which are compil bas on data for all products on WB. Full report data is available only to subscribers of “Jem”.

The figures from this report will allow you to analyze your denmark telegram data store’s performance relative to competitors, as well as identify niches for business development in a timely manner.

The report presents the following data:

  • weekly product turnover ;
  • the number of sellers whose assortment includes the select product;
  • assessment of product demand – the indicator is calculat bas on turnover over the last 7 days;
  • the number of sellers from whom the select product was order during the specifi period of time;
  • monopolization indicator – the percentage of sellers whose orders for the select item during the period make up more than 80% of all orders;

Revenue from purchases of goods

In the category for the period – the indicator is calculat and trendsretail explained in detail on the date of purchase, before ducting taxes, commissions, logistics and other transaction costs;

  • average check – calculat as the arithmetic mean of all prices at which the goods were purchas;
  • number of cards per subject for the select period.

It is advisable to look at this section more often so as not to mobile database miss important information that will help you sell more effectively.

Here you can also see which items are in short supply on the marketplace: this information is convenient to use if you are planning to introduce new products into your assortment and are looking for what will be profitable.

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