Popular Search Queries

Popular Search This section contains all reports available to the seller in the WB account. As of January 2025, this includes 15 reports, each of which has visual graphs and filters. That allow you to analyze data on a specific product, article or brand.

This section includes 1 million popular queries of WB users, which they enter on the site and in the marketplace application.

Popular Search Reports

The report also allows you to determine the frequency of a specific request. This will allow you to select semantics for promoting your product card.

All queries are list in descending order of popularity. Data can be obtain for a week, a month or three months, and the report itself can be download.

The free PromoPult tool “WB Position Monitoring” will quickly select and group search queries for product cards into clusters, will daily remove positions in Wildberries search, and will also show france telegram data competitors’ product positions. How to work with the tool is describ in this article .

Product Rating

The product rating on WB is very important for promotion on the marketplace. From the “Product Rating” report, you can learn about the dynamics of the rating by reviews and monitor the growth of the rating.

The seller’s account on WB is not the only way to get detail networking:chat module social media integration analytics on your store and competitors. Read this article for a detail overview of analytics services on Wildberries for analyzing sales, brands, and competitors .

Card creation and product delivery

The more detail and high-quality you fill out your product cards, the higher the probability that someone will order something from you. The completeness of the information affects the card rating, and the mobile database rating in turn affects the position in search results, so buyers will see well-design cards earlier.

The marketplace will tell you what needs to be changed to increase your rating:

To add a product, go to the “Products” tab in the seller’s personal account.

Click on “Add”. If you want to add one product, select “Single product” in the menu or click on “Create product”. If you need to upload a whole list of product cards to your account, click on “Many products” in the menu.

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