Finland and Sweden on the way to Madrid and NATO

If what Vladimir Putin really wanted to achieve with this war was to stop the enlargement of NATO, he will achieve the opposite. Everything indicates that Sweden and Finland will apply to join the Atlantic organization, just in time for the historic NATO summit to be held in June in Madrid, where a new Strategic Concept that will guide the organization in the next decade will also be agreed. . Both countries would undoubtedly be “net contributors” to the Alliance.  They have high quality armies and it is especially true of the Finns, whose air force is as good as any other. They fly the most advanced F-18s and have already ordered the F-35s.  The Swedes also have a fairly substantial air force and a very good navy, including submarines and a significant variety of other military capabilities.

They also have much to contribute

As democracies, sharing the fundamental political values ​​on which NATO has been founded for more than 70 years. They also have advanced economies, with high-tech knowledge and capabilities that have military Phone Number Database importance in areas such as air power, cyberspace and civil space. They are members of the European Union (EU), an increasingly relevant fact at a time when the EU and NATO are getting closer to strengthen cooperation against threats of different natures, and Ukraine has been a clear example. In addition, other Nordic countries – Norway, Denmark and Iceland – are already members of NATO, so their incorporation would close an important geographical gap, key for airspace, land and maritime areas, and to facilitate common defense. Both Finland and Sweden have a long history of non-alignment and neutrality in matters of security and defense.

The case of Sweden it goes back more

Than two centuries and in the case of Finland to 1944. For historical reasons, they decided that their Security and independence would be better preserved without being part of an alliance. Even after Russia’s initial aggression in Ukraine in 2014. Both sought to maintain a dialogue with Moscow and avoid provoking its powerful eastern neighbor. A more pressing concern for Finland, which shares a 1,300-kilometer land border with Russia. Sweden does not It shares a  Chine Directory  border with Russia, although it has the strategically important island of Gotland. But after the invasion of Ukraine on February 24, public polls in both countries showed a clear. Swing in favor of accession Both governments began to review their security policies and, jointly. To study and analyze how to strengthen the security. Of Finland and Sweden in the face of a changing security environment.

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