Bas. on our review of Google policies and consultation with Google experts. we have come to the following conclusions:
- Even in countries where Google bans advertising. such as many Arab countries. there are ways to adapt products or landing page structure so that ads meet moderation requirements.
- If you follow all the nuances of the policies. local regulators will not file complaints. and Google moderation will not cause problems either.
Limitations for landing pages and creatives
To comply with Google policies. you should avoid the following elements:
- Any mention of trading signals. advice. or promises of high income. For example. a statement like “Earn $1000 in one day” is imm.iately block..
- The use of bonuses for promotions (e.g.. “Sign up and get $250”) is prohibit. in most countries. although it is sometimes allow. in Central Asian countries.
- Cryptocurrency price pr.ictions (e.g.. “Today Bitcoin is worth $66.000. and saudi arabia mobile database tomorrow it will be $70.000″) or visualizations with graphs showing arrows pointing upwards.
- Cryptocurrency logos. abbreviations like BTC or ETH. and any crypto-relat. visualizations.
Recommendations for adapting creatives
- Landing pages and homepages should not contain elements that directly or indirectly hint at trading signals or promises of income.
- Classic Forex with “shorts” or sign-up bonuses is prohibit..
- For charts. it is better to use simple lines instead of Japanese conclusions after analyzing google policies candlesticks (green and r.). This r.uces the risk of creatives being block..
Following these recommendations allows you to minimize the risks of blocking advertising slovakia business directory campaigns and work within Google policies even in difficult market conditions.
Types of advertising campaigns and problems
Working with Google Ads moderation in the Forex industry can often be a challenge. Google moderators often confuse Forex with cryptocurrencies. even though Forex is a licens. industry in Europe. similar to betting in the UK. Unfortunately. it can be difficult to convince moderators otherwise.
The solution is to change the moderator and hope that the new specialist will at least check the information about Forex on Google or consult with colleagues.